Video Marketing Tips for Real Estate Agents: How YOU Can Use Video Content in 2023

As a real estate agent, you know that the market is constantly changing. You're also being trusted with a HUGE purchase, so the know-like-trust factor in your marketing is more important than ever. Today, I'm sharing a couple of marketing tips with video for real estate agents, and walking you through how YOU can use video content to grow your real estate business in 2023.

Are your clients getting their real estate information from a reliable source, or are they following news headlines and talk with friends to help them make informed decisions?

By creating market update videos, and real estate videos, agents can provide their clients with accurate and important information that will help them make educated decisions. When you create videos you leverage your personal style and give prospects something they can connect to.  

Create a Real Estate Market Update Video  

A real estate market update video is going to help you commit to staying consistent, save time, build a connection with your clients and future clients, and establish yourself as an expert in the industry.

Take a look at this Canmore Market Update by agent Jessica Stoner that we created.

As a brand videographer, one of the biggest video marketing tips for real estate agents I have is to STAY CONSISTENT

calgary brand videographer edits video for real estate agent

When Jessica first inquired about creating videos for her business, she noted that she was, “Looking for quality video, without the time commitment of the editing process.” 

As a busy agent, you know how important it is to post content, but you also know how time-consuming it can be to create content that you’re proud of. Jessica partnered with me to provide her clients with updated information that was professionally edited and designed to attract her ideal clients without having to spend hours behind a screen editing her footage. 

When you don’t have to commit time to edit a video, it’s easier to stay consistent (which is the main goal!). Rather than carving out time to edit content, all you have to do is find time to post the video and share it with your audiences. 

This provides you with more time for open houses, client meetings, paperwork, and more! This, in turn, aids in maintaining consistency and generating more content!

Why should real estate agents invest in video marketing?

I understand that agents are constantly being told to do things. “You should get a bus stop sign!” “Why not get a billboard?” “Have you thought about Facebook ads?” I imagine that it can feel overwhelming to feel like everyone has a marketing strategy to help you generate business.

How is a video different?

A video showcases your personality. 

They feel like they know you. They know how you talk. They can see your mannerisms. They hear your expertise. When you’re in front of the camera, you’re able to build rapport with your existing and potential clients.  People want to work with people they like and trust. A video is a great way to show that you are an expert in your field, while also demonstrating your personality and character.

Creating videos is going to help you showcase your personality, build connections with your clients, and really establish yourself as an expert. 

Ready to start using video marketing as a real estate agent?

calgary brand videographer shares tips on video marketing for real estate agents

You know how competitive the real estate market is. If you want to establish your presence as an agent, you need to show up online consistently. I love providing video marketing tips for real estate agents, and when you work with me, you get professionally filmed and edited videos that are going to help you grow your online presence. It’s as simple as this: 

  • Update your buyers. 

  • Build trust.

  • Grow your business. 

Video Marketing Content Creation for Real Estate Agents

Learn more about my brand videography and video content creation packages.

Lastly, if you’d to stay up to date on my availability, receive video tips right into your inbox and check out the cool projects I’ve been working on, sign up for my email newsletter

  • Real estate video marketing enables real estate agents to present their expertise and unique selling points vividly, creating a memorable impression on potential clients. By sharing insights, testimonials, and personal stories through video, agents using real estate video marketing can foster a deeper connection and trust with prospective customers, increasing their chances of client acquisition.

    According to a survey by the National Association of Realtors (USA), embedded real estate videos drive 157% more organic search results to your website and listings with video get 403% more inquiries!

    Real estate video marketing can do both things, increase your inbound traffic and connect with your potential customers.

  • Create video listings and walkthroughs: Video listings offer potential clients a comprehensive view of properties, allowing them to visualize themselves in the space. Walkthroughs, with their dynamic flow, capture the atmosphere and layout of a property more effectively than static images.

    Make personalized videos to send over email: Personalized videos cater directly to the recipient, making them feel valued and understood. By addressing specific client needs or questions in these videos, agents can form a more profound bond and stand out in their inbox.

    Real estate video marketing can give an additional personal touch that text can’t.

    Make introduction videos to introduce yourself & your services: An introduction video gives agents the opportunity to showcase their personality, values, and commitment. This first impression can resonate deeply with potential clients, letting them know exactly who they're working with and what differentiates the agent from competitors.

    Host Live videos on Facebook and Instagram: Live videos provide an interactive platform for agents to engage with their audience in real-time. They can answer questions, showcase current listings, or discuss market trends, fostering a sense of community and immediate connection.

    Create educational videos & guides for social media: Educational content establishes agents as experts in their field. By offering advice, market insights, or home-buying/selling tips through videos, agents position themselves as valuable resources, which can attract and educate potential clients.

    Make neighbourhood guide videos for potential clients: By showcasing the highlights, amenities, and unique characteristics of different neighbourhoods, agents offer a more holistic view of what living in a particular area might be like. This not only aids in the decision-making process but also demonstrates the agent's deep knowledge of the communities they serve.

    Create client testimonial videos to build credibility: Hearing from satisfied clients offers tangible proof of an agent's capability and dedication. Testimonial videos create a trust factor, allowing potential clients to hear firsthand about the experiences of others and the benefits of choosing a particular agent.

    Create short social media advertisement videos: Short, engaging ads are designed to grab the viewer's attention quickly on platforms where they're already spending time. These snippets can highlight an agent's successes, and unique offerings, or even showcase a glimpse of their personality, enticing viewers to learn more or get in touch.

  • Leverage Storytelling Techniques: When creating property walkthroughs or neighbourhood guides, infuse them with storytelling elements. Instead of merely showing rooms or local amenities, weave in a narrative about the lifestyle the property or area offers. This could be a day in the life of a resident or anecdotes about the community. A compelling story helps potential buyers emotionally connect with the space, making it more memorable and desirable.

    Optimize Video Content for Search: As with written content, video can be optimized for search engines to increase its discoverability. Ensure that your videos have clear, descriptive titles, use relevant keywords in descriptions, and incorporate captions. Utilize platforms like YouTube, and embed these videos on your website to enhance SEO and drive organic traffic. Additionally, encourage viewers to engage with likes, shares, and comments, as these metrics can further boost visibility.

    Incorporate Interactive Elements: Enhance the viewer's experience by integrating interactive components in your videos. Utilize tools that allow viewers to click on specific parts of the video to get more details, book a viewing, or even share feedback. For example, during a property walkthrough, clickable pop-ups can provide in-depth information about unique features or provide links to similar properties. These elements not only engage the viewer but also provide a clear pathway for taking the next steps in the buyer's journey.

  • To create real estate videos that stand out in the crowded real estate industry, you'll need to combine a mix of engaging visuals, insightful information, and strategic promotion. An effective real estate video can significantly amplify your reach, making it easier to generate real estate leads. Here's a step-by-step guide:

    Pre-planning: Before shooting, understand the property's unique selling points. This will help you highlight its most desirable features in the video.

    Quality Equipment: Invest in a good quality camera and stabilizer or drone. Crisp visuals are vital for making your video appealing.

    Dynamic Shots: Incorporate a mix of wide-angle shots to show the entire property and close-ups to focus on details. Drones can be used for aerial views, giving potential buyers a holistic view of the property and its surroundings.

    Natural Lighting: Make use of daylight as much as possible. It not only brings out the property's true colors but also adds a touch of warmth and authenticity.

    Engaging Content: Narration or on-screen text can be useful. Share details about the neighborhood, nearby schools, and amenities. This provides potential buyers with a more comprehensive understanding of the property's value.

    Music: Add background music that complements the property's vibe. However, ensure it's not too distracting.

    Testimonials: If possible, include brief testimonials from satisfied clients. This builds trust and credibility in the real estate industry.

    Call to Action: End your video by inviting viewers to contact you for more details or a property tour, turning viewers into potential real estate leads.

    Optimize for Online Platforms: Ensure your video is optimized for various platforms like YouTube, social media, and your website. This increases its reach and visibility.

    Promotion: Share your video on all your digital platforms and consider using paid ads to target specific demographics.

    By following these steps, you'll be able to create real estate videos that not only captivate your audience but also position you as a reliable expert in the real estate industry. Remember, an effective real estate video is your ticket to generating more real estate leads and growing your business.


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